a baby bath
July 2, 2023

Don't Feel Qualified to be a Mom? You're in Good Company

Posted on July 2, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 404 words
Photo by RDNE Stock project
Table of contents

I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because he considered me faithful and appointed me to his service, even though I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a man of violence.

1 Timothy 1:12-13

Who Said I was Qualified for this?

    There’s nothing quite like motherhood to make you feel like you’re unprepared and unqualified for a job.  Some moms are completely thrown by the intensity of the infant stage, some struggle with toddlers (we ALL struggle with toddlers), some are mystified by the inner workings of a teenager’s mind. 

    Just when you think you have on stage figured out, they go through something else, or some tricky situation pops up, or hormones just go on a rampage, and you’re stuck wondering, “why did I think I could do this?”  Even with my third baby, I’ve found myself having days where I think, why is this so hard, and so overwhelming?

Paul Felt the Same Way

    In Paul’s letters, he often makes these kinds of remarks - pointing out that he is perhaps the least qualified guy for the job he has been given.  Yet we have a huge chunk of the Bible that shows us how passionate, relentless, and enthusiastic Paul was about the task God had assigned to him.

Jogger out of breath with her trainer

Photo by Julia Larson

    On days where you’re struggling, it’s important to remember that the job you are doing is hard.  It’s large-scale, multi-year, comprehensive work.  It’s complicated.  You may not feel qualified to do parts of it, and that’s okay.

God Says You’re Ready

    It’s also important to remember that, just like Paul, you have been appointed by God as the mother of your children.  This is a calling specific to you and your family, and that is a good thing.  You will have hard days, months, and years, but God is always with you on the journey.

Blog Series: Timothy Letters
8Motherhood Tested: Finding Strength in Scripture Through Tough Times
7The Power of ‘No’: Healthy Boundaries as a Shield from Toxicity
6From Tea to Truth - Timothy’s Guide to Gossip
5Wooden Spoon Motherhood: Finding Joy in the Simple and Functional
4God Did Not Give us a Spirit of Cowardice
3Spiritual Exercise and the Humbling Experience of Motherhood
2Modeling a Relationship with God for Our Children
1Don't Feel Qualified to be a Mom? You're in Good Company     ★